Are you currently seeing an error “Order does not exist” on your Upsell & Downsell page? Just like this the below screenshot –
This error message can be seen only on the Upsell & Downsell page of the CartFlows.
This message means that you might have not gone through the regular checkout process of CartFlows and directly visited the Upsell or Downsell page and trying to purchase the upsell or Downsell product.
Below are the cases in which this error message will be displayed –
Case 1: When the Upsell & Downsell pages are opened directly from the URL.
And you are trying to purchase the product by clicking on the Accept Upsell button and that is why it displays this error message.
Note: This message will be displayed only when you are logged in.
Case 2: When you add the Upsell and Downsell page before the checkout page and accept the Upsell or Downsell product then this error will be shown.
The Upsell and Downsell page should be added after the checkout page.