Team CartFlows
April 24, 2019

Version 1.1.12


  • WooCommerce dependency issue.

Team CartFlows
April 24, 2019

Version 1.1.11


  • Minify CSS and Js files filter added.


  • Two-Step checkout CSS issues with bump order in Thrive Architect.
  • Upsell/Downsell’s tax was not getting added.
  • Checkout’s required field issue when either of the city, state, zip code fields are not present for specific countries.

Team CartFlows
April 15, 2019

Version 1.1.10


  • Mobile alignment of the fields.
  • License notice issue.
  • Two-Step layout active tab highlight border-color issue.
  • Two-Step layout tabs alignment.

Team CartFlows
April 9, 2019

Version 1.1.9


  • Introduced Two-Step checkout style.


  • Thrive Visual Builder CSS Conflict.
  • Product Variation table heading CSS issue.

Team CartFlows
March 22, 2019

Version 1.1.8


  • Thrive Architect CSS conflict.

Team CartFlows
March 19, 2019

Version 1.1.7


  • Zero value Upsell/Downsell product support added for PayPal.


  • Session expired error when the last product is removed from multiple selections.
  • Floating label issue when a country is fixed.
Team CartFlows
February 28, 2019

Version 1.1.6


  • Custom script support added for Upsell and Downsell page type.


  • Order Bump JS trigger added. “cartflows_order_bump_product_added”, “cartflows_order_bump_product_removed”
  • Product options title field added.


  • Checkout field priority issue in some cases.
  • Floating label placeholder issue.
  • Order Bump discount issue when the same product is in a cart.
  • Popup closes early while redirecting from upsell and dowsell offer.
  • Pre-applied coupon was not applying when coupon field is disabled.
  • Shipping fields label issue in checkout field editor.
Team CartFlows
February 7, 2019

Version 1.1.5


  • Introduced checkout field editor.


  • PayPal without reference transaction not working for Upsell.
  • Floating label issue for text-area.
  • Repeat message in popup while processing Upsell.
Team CartFlows
January 24, 2019

Version 1.1.4


  • Order Bump – When the main product is free or discounted to zero the payment gateway is hidden for order bump product.
  • Order Bump – Variation product couldn’t remove.

Team CartFlows
January 23, 2019

Version 1.1.3


  • Overall admin and front-end design.