Team CartFlows
June 12, 2019

Version 1.1.20


  • WooCommerce dependency removed. Now, you can use CartFlows without WooCommerce.


  • Flow analytics was not showing.
  • Bank account details were not showing on the Thank You page.
  • Download details were not showing on the Thank You page for PayPal.
  • The product variation was not working for different WordPress’s folder path.
Team CartFlows
June 4, 2019

Version 1.1.19


  • Extra theme compatibility added.
  • Oxygen builder compatibility added.


  • Floating Label issue with account fields. CSS updated.
  • Remove product icon not visible in the admin area for entre theme.
Team CartFlows
May 29, 2019

Version 1.1.19


  • New user license update issue.
  • Icon’s CSS updated.
  • Product variation visibility issue in two step layout.

Team CartFlows
May 28, 2019

Version 1.1.18


  • Undefined property error on CartFlows settings page.

Team CartFlows
May 27, 2019

Version 1.1.17


  • License’s client library updated.

Team CartFlows
May 21, 2019

Version 1.1.16


  • Added compatibility for a future release of CartFlows. WooCommerce dependency will get removed in the next version of CartFlows.
  • Analytics tracking logic is improved.
  • Two-step checkout validation will allow email up to 14 characters TLD.


  • A non-numeric value encountered warning solved in bump order.
  • Floating Label issue with account fields CSS added.
  • In some cases, analytics doesn’t show the data in the backend.
  • Decimal price issue in Upsell/Downsell process.

Team CartFlows
May 10, 2019

Version 1.1.18


  • Sometimes, Next step link was not working.
Team CartFlows
April 30, 2019

Version 1.1.15


  • Added compatibility for a future release of CartFlows Cart Abandonment plugin.


  • License notice issue.

Team CartFlows
April 30, 2019

Version 1.1.17


  • Database connectivity error while cloning the flow.
Team CartFlows
April 25, 2019

Version 1.1.14


  • License activation issue for new user.